My Writings. My Thoughts.

Poor blogger that I am...

At » 2:27 PM // 0 Comments »
In 2011 I posted once and here it is we're halfway through 2012 and I haven't posted yet at all.

It's pretty lame but I'm going to blame it on work. We recently launched our new website, a blog, an Facebook contest and increased our social media presence, which all means a lot of work pour moi!

Do let's recap the last year...
- lost 30lbs
- my cousin got married
- went on 4 back-to-back-to-back business trips (that was a couple intense weeks).
- was in San Diego for a rarer than rare hail storm, aren't I lucky?
- went to Nova Scotia for a pan-Canadian legislation workshop
- gained 10lbs (boo-urns!)
- had a psychic party over Easter with all my aunts, great-aunts, mom, grandma and cousins
- spent a day on parliament hill with a bunch of MPs and Senators
- won a $500 visa gift card just for dropping a business card in a bowl (shopping here I come!)
- launched the new website
- ran a Facebook contest
- got home yesterday just before a couple of hot firemen broke down my front door b/c of a fire next door

Those are pretty much the highlights other than a couple of conferences and very cool media projects.

It's kind of weird to think of the past year in terms of things that happened, almost feels like there's no way that could have been an entire year.'s an old one I forgot to publish

At » 7:19 PM // 0 Comments »
Ok, so this week has found me in beautiful St. John's, Newfoundland.

When I left Ottawa it was wonderfully summer but to my surprise when I arrived in St. John's it was still very much early spring. COLD! Luckily I had packed clothes that could be layered but for the most part I have been chilled and covered in goose bumps all week.

Finally, late yesterday morning the sun made it's first appearance, which was a welcome sight after the rain and fog and the sight-seeing tour that I had scheduled for the afternoon.

At 2:30 pm (Atlantic time-which is harder to adjust to than you would think) we filed into the bus and set out for Cape Spear. I tried to sit calmly as the bus snaked along the slightly narrow road along the mountains which overlooked the wharf. But every now and again I got this feeling that at any moment, on one of those tight bends in the road, the bus was going to roll and we'd all be splattered on the rocks below and our things would float away into the ocean.

Ok so maybe my imagination was getting the better of me but these bends were tiny and at more than one point the bus driver had to reverse and maneuver the bus around the bend awkwardly. Something tells me that if you have to do almost a 4 point turn to make a corner/bend in the road, then maybe - just maybe- you shouldn't be driving a bus up there. I'm just sayin'.

From back in the day

At » 3:11 PM // 0 Comments »
My favourite picture of my grandpa and I from when I was like 1 year old (I think).

Every now and then it really hits my pretty hard that he's gone, which is a little weird because it's been almost 7 years. Oh well.... Miss you, love you!

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